especially among young men
Join Us on November 6
Join local Boston coaches, athletes, and fitness enthusiasts at The Phoenix Boston for the premiere of The Uncomfortable Conversation’s latest film series, exploring uncomfortable conversations about consent and sexual violence prevention in the fitness community.
How Not to Freak Out if a Friend is Sexually Assaulted
How to Advocate for Survivors
How Consent Equals Good Game
How to Teach Consent
How to Get Consent for a Bro Hug
How to Get Innovative with Advocacy
talk about it

The Uncomfortable Conversation,
The Uncomfortable Conversation, Inc. is dedicated to normalizing conversations about sexual violence, particularly among young men. We believe conversations are accessible, practical and scalable tools that drive individual, organizational and cultural change. The Uncomfortable Conversation has produced 100+ short videos illustrating how people of all genders, but especially men, can support survivors, navigate consent, and address troubling ideas or behaviors among peers.
The Uncomfortable Conversation is grounded in two years of listening and learning from the sexual violence prevention field, survivors of sexual violence and the organizations that serve them, a listening tour with leaders from all sectors about their engagement with sexual violence, and over 75 in-depth interviews with young men. The most interesting discovery throughout this journey has been the realization that people of all genders struggle to find ways to talk about sexual harassment and violence, a startling prospect given how unfortunately prevalent it is in our society – and our media dialogue – today. While the volume of the conversation is currently at an all-time high, popular media still lacks positive examples of the healthy conversations and behaviors we know will change culture.
By engaging partners and influencers through all levels of the production and distribution process, The Uncomfortable Conversation has reached over 11,000 views in less than one year. The project has been featured in the Philadelphia Metro, WHYY, NY Observer, AskMen and FoxNews, and at events like the Independent Television Festival, Civic Series, Calling All Crows 10th Anniversary Event, and an interactive screening event at HBO.