talk about it
Supporting Assault Victims Doesn’t Mean Seeking Revenge
This video spoke to me. As a young man heard word of his cousin’s sexual assault, his immediate reaction is that of violence, anger, and retribution. Sometimes though, for a victim, revenge and retribution isn’t the first thing on their mind. As a young man who has...

Volunteer for our next video shoot in New York
Do you want to help equip people – especially men – with the tools they need to have more effective and productive conversations about sexual harassment and violence? Yes? We thought so. Get your talents and your talented friends together to help pull off The...

Scared to Speak Up About Harassment?
Yesterday, I got on a train to head home and walked into the middle of a brewing altercation between two men. I'm sure you've seen harassment like this before, right? An aggressive, angry person picks a target and a fight. Watching the situation unfold, most of us...

Feet don’t taste very good
How to Support Survivors When someone presents themselves in a vulnerable and honest way, it can be a tough position. Sometimes we feel the only way we can cope is through equivocating. We think (or say), “Oh, my friend’s mom’s uncle’s brother totally had the exact...